Digital Safety Resources
Access to the internet is both easier and more necessary today than ever before. While the internet certainly has many benefits, there are also safety risks that may disproportionately threaten children and teenagers that we all should be aware of. In 2022, residents of Corona, Queens proposed the idea to hold workshops for families on digital safety as part of the The People's Money - Citywide Participatory Budgeting. CIANA was selected by the NYC Civic Engagement Commission to implement these workshops.
Throughout the Spring of 2024, Our Outreach team educated more than 70 parents at three elementary schools in Corona on common digital safety concerns that they or their children may face, such as adult content, harmful social media trends, stranger danger, and the detrimental impact on cyberbullying, just to name a few.
Using content from Commonsense Media and other great platforms, we instructed parents on how they can work with their children to create rules and plans for using the internet and digital devices, so that folks of all ages understand the importance of digital safety. We're excited to share some of our resources and lessons here with everyone.
Read the handouts we distributed to parents at our school presentations last spring. Click the icons below to download and print.
Family Tech Planners
Use Commonsense Media's Family Tech Planners to map out technology and internet usage rules for all members of your household, from adults to young children. Visit Commonsense Media's website to download the form.
Utilice un Planificador de Tecnologica Familiar para planear el uso de los aparatos tecnologicos en su familiar, desde los ninos hasta los adultos. Visite el sitio web de Commonsense Media para descargar las formas.
Digital Safety Videos
Watch the videos we showed to parents in English and Spanish.
More Digital Safety Resources
Lessons, news articles, and stories about the importance of digital safety.
Title | Description | URL |
Anti-Cyberbullying Activism | Emily Torchiana of intense online bullying and is now an internet safety and mental health activist. | https://www.emilytorchiana.com/ |
Gen Alpha Slang | Slang commonly used by kids in Generation Alpha (children born in 2010 or after). | https://hoomale.com/slang-dictionary-decode-gen-alpha-and-gen-z-like-a-pro/ |
Gen Z & Gen Alpha Slang | Slang commonly used by kids in Gen Z (1997-2010) or Gen Alpha (after 2010) | https://www.nola.com/gambit/news/the_latest/dont-be-cringe-gambits-guide-to-gen-z-and-alpha-slang/article_db0fd6a2-3d5f-11ee-972b-5f43d522a60e.html |
Healthy Media Habits | Healthy media habits for very young children beyond screen time | https://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/Media/Pages/Healthy-Digital-Media-Use-Habits-for-Babies-Toddlers-Preschoolers.aspx |
Benefits of Fortnite | Popular video game Fortnite may augment children's social literacy | https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0022057419864531?journalCode=jexa |
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) | The Dignity for All Students Act legally protects youth from cyberbullying, and holds schools and education professionals accountable | https://www.nysed.gov/student-support-services/dignity-all-students-act-dasa |
Cyberbullying | How to help your child (or any child) who has been a victim of cyberbullying | https://cyberbullying.org/what-to-do-when-your-child-is-cyberbullied |
Google Family Link | How to install Google Family Link, YouTube Kids, and other parental controls on cellphones and other digital devices | https://families.google/familylink/ |
Benefits of Minecraft | World-building game Minecraft may have the ability to enhance children's creativity and spatial reasoning skills | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1875952121000240 |
Internet Slang | Common slang terms and phrased used on the internet | https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/preemptive-safety/internet-slang-words |
Benefits of Roblox | 8 ways that Roblox may be beneficial for children, such as teaching them coding and programming, and boosting their leadership and team-building skills | https://funtech.co.uk/latest/8-reasons-why-roblox-is-educational-for-kids |
Internet Scams | Common internet scams that target children and teenagers | https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/common-scams-targeting-children-teens/ |
Screen Time | How much screen time is best for kids, based on age group | https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/childrens-health/in-depth/screen-time/art-20047952 |
Social Media and Mental Health | Impact of social media usage on children and teenagers' mental health | https://genomind.com/patients/the-social-media-dilemma-how-childrens-mental-health-may-be-affected/ |
Dangers of TikTok | A tragic case of a U.K. child who attempted a viral TikTok challenge | https://foxsanantonio.com/news/nation-world/tiktok-what-is-chroming-challenge-tommie-lee-gracie-bilington-dead-dies-11-year-old-boy-sleepover-cincinnati-tragic-tragedy-danger-dangerous-activities-pressure-social-media-society-impacts-educational-warning-hospital-rush-controversy-controversial |
Storing Credit Card Info | A case of why adults should be wary of storing sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, on digital devices used by their children | https://www.wsaz.com/2022/12/21/single-moms-bank-account-drained-after-7-year-old-spends-almost-900-roblox/ |
Schedule a workshop with CIANA!
CIANA's team is happy to speak about Digital Safety at schools, afterschool programs, places of worship, and anywhere else where families may need additional information on how to stay safe when using the internet or digital devices.
Topics include:
Sharing personal information online
Social media, apps, and video games
Parental controls
Interacting with strangers
Healthy online habits

To schedule a workshop with our team or to talk more about Digital Safety, contact us by phone, email, or on our website.
(718) 545-4040