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CIANA 15 Years Banner (4).png

This year, CIANA is celebrating 15 years of serving New York’s immigrant community!



Since we first opened our Astoria office in 2007, CIANA has helped empower new Americans of all backgrounds with educational, economic, and social services to help support their integration and advancement in American society. Over the past year, we have supported immigrant families through some of the most devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and have served our community in more ways than we thought was possible.


As we move into a new phase of CIANA’s future, we carry with us the hopes and concerns for future generations. It has always been important to us to ensure the stability and success of the next generation of Americans, whether born abroad or in the US to immigrant parents, who may lack educational and socio-economic opportunities for personal success.


This is why we are embarking on an ambitious goal to raise $15,000 this summer to ensure long-lasting support for our After-School  programs and enhance CIANA’s ability to serve immigrant children across Queens.


Our past, present, and future are secured by support from our community members and allies whose financial support ensures new Americans have access to the resources they need to thrive in their new country.


By donating a multiple of $15 today, you will guarantee our youngest clients have the resources, materials, space, and staff to succeed.

Your support is what makes our work possible. We sincerely appreciate any amount you can give.


Memories from the Past 15 Years

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